Useful Resources

What is Climate Change?

This is a really good introduction to the problem of Climate Change from the BBC.

The World You Want

This powerful video from Greenpeace shows that change is possible when we work together.

BBC Interview with Greta Thunberg

In our RVCAN meeting on 1st November, we watched an extract from Amol Rahjan’s interview with Greta Thunberg.

A collection of short films from Waterbear

A series of three very short films (3 or 4 minutes) under the title ‘1.5 degrees of confusion’, designed to explain the terminology & to explain what action we can take both individually and collectively.

A short film from Climate Reality

A short film about how the propagandists seed doubt about science to serve the interests of the fossil fuel lobbyists.

A short film about Tiny Forests

A film about a secret weapon in the shape of small forests in the fight against climate change.

Sir David Attenborough Presents: Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet

This is a preview of a 75-minute David Attenborough film which takes the audience on a journey of discovery of planetary thresholds we must not exceed, not just for the stability of our planet, but for the future of humanity. It offers up the solutions we can and must put in place now if we are to protect Earth’s life support systems.

The Climate Change and Ecology Bill -Explained

The Climate and Ecology Bill (formerly CEE Bill) is arguably the most important Bill to be introduced into Parliament since the 2008 Climate Change Act. Dr Charlie Gardner, conservation scientist and expert contributor to the Bill, explains why - in less than 2 minutes.

The scope for Low Carbon Development in the Ribble Valley

This is a fascinating website which explores (through modelling) the potential for huge carbon and cost savings in the Ribble Valley.

Readstone Environmental Group

The latest news from Readstone Environmental Group.