About Us
We’re a community led movement based in the Ribble Valley.
Our Story
In November 2021, the UK hosted COP26 in Glasgow. In the weeks running up to the event, a group of ‘pilgrims’ walked from Bristol and London up to COP26 in Glasgow. They were so concerned about Climate Change and determined to draw attention to their actions. That group passed through Clitheroe. The pilgrims needed somewhere to sleep, hot meals and hot showers! A team gathered together from faith groups and other interested people, and the Ribble Valley became a centre for climate concern for a few days.
From that experience, Ribble Valley Climate Action Network was born. As we draw ever closer to a Climate Crisis, with aspirational targets of Net Zero but little definite policy change, we recognise that there is a need for action. There is also a need for a network. We know there are pockets of amazing stuff happening all across the Ribble Valley. This amazing work needs connection, support and we know that we can achieve more when we work together.
Together we are stronger. Together we can create a healthy home and a sustainable future.
Our Aims
Reduce impact: To reduce our carbon footprint and our use of the earth’s resources.
Get greener: Develop healthy green spaces, supporting food growth and wildlife.
Have a say: Join conversations with decision makers and influence our politicians.
Our Principles and Values
Participation is open to any and all individuals, organisations, businesses, charities, religious bodies, political parties etc who wish to meet these aims and who are able to participate in compliance with the following set of values.
We place future generations at the heart of all our thinking, decisions and actions.
We consider the rights of the non-human world as inextricably linked to human rights.
We work locally for climate justice locally.
We operate using non-hierarchical structures such as people’s assemblies to engage, to inform and to make collective decisions.
Regardless of status in society, or whether we represent an organisation, each person is respected equally as an individual, and we will work together to provide equality of access, promoting cooperation over competition.
We act according to principles of non-violence avoiding blaming individuals while addressing the need for change.
We are willing to learn from one another, recognising that our diversity of approach, skills and background enrich our community, and help us to create a culture that is healthy, resilient and adaptable.